Tuesday morning I was up again before the sun came up so that we
could have breakfast before Mass at Saints Cosmas and Damian. It was a tiny
church so most of us were standing and sitting along the back and sides. After
Mass, the priest gave a talk about the church and how the ground had risen up
on one side so the church was slanted and they had to do construction to make
it smaller so that it was safe. Following the talk, we all jumped on the Metro
and met outside of a church to split up into groups for our walking tour. While
we were waiting for everyone to get situated, Marie and I ended up buying
scarves for 5 euro each. We talked the guy down from 10 euro and then Marie
bought another one from a different guy for 4 euro.
We started our tour
with Mr. Pipp and during the tour we saw the church of St. Peter in chains
where there are chains that held St. Peter in Jerusalem, Michelangelo’s Moses,
and the bones of the seven Maccabee brothers. We also saw Santa Maria Maggiore
the Bethlehem crypt where there is wood from the manger Jesus was laid in. We
visited Our Lady of Perpetual help where the icon is of Our Lady, and we
visited Santa Prassede where there are many relics and part of the column where
Jesus scourged. We also saw the Colosseum, part of the Roman Forum, the Arch of
Constantine, and a few other churches and monumental stone buildings.
After the tour,
Marie, Andrew, Marissa, Cheris, and I went to the Trevi Fountain and took
pictures and threw coins in. Then we got pizza and walked really really fast to
the Metro so that we would be on time for our Vatican museum tour. It was
raining and so we got wet again and my bun got caught on three different
umbrellas. That hurt.
We made it to the
Vatican Museum on time and then we started our tour. My headset died so I
couldn’t hear what the tour guide was saying, so I tried to stay up near the
front with her. We got to see so many statues, paintings, maps, and tapestries
that tell us so much about how these people lived back then. We finished the
tour in the Sistine Chapel and got to stay there for about twenty minutes. I
could have stayed there forever. It was absolutely breath taking! I think it
was definitely my favorite part of Rome.
When we left the
Sistine Chapel, I headed back to the hotel with Andrew and Marie. We hung out
in my room and while I washed out my shoes and skirt that were still soaking
wet and smelled like the metro from the other day, Marie called her mom and
Andrew tried to decide who he is going to set me up with for Spring formal
(what? that’s like six months away). It was entertaining to say the least. We
went to dinner and afterwards, I went to adoration. When we got back and combed
someone for lice and then went straight to bed!
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